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The following projects are part of our free products or are currently not being developed further.

iASYS, 09. Juli 2013

Base64 Command line Tools

The following command line programs offer the ability to convert binary files into Base64 data and and vice versa.

Convert binary files into Base64 Data.

Command line:
Bin2Base64 Sourcename.ext [/option] [/option]

The sourcename can contain a path and use placeholders like "*" and "?" to convert more than one file at once. The neu generated files keep the filename and get the extension ".B64". They will be saved in your current path.

Command line options:

[/lb=x] - Generate a line break after x letters. X must be be divisible by 4.
[/urlsave] - Use an URL Save Code Table.
[/help,h,?] - Show the help.

Convert Base64 files into binary data.

Command line:
Base64ToBin Sourcename.ext [/option] [/option]

The sourcename can contain a path and use placeholders like "*" and "?" to convert more than one file at once. The neu generated files keep the filename and get the extension ".BIN". They will be saved in your current path.

Command line options:

[/help,h,?] - Show the help.

iASYS, 09. Juli 2013

What javaDoc is for java is asmDoc for real coders!

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